Design for Sustainability
Creating custom, sustainable packaging solutions.
Creative services meet sustainability
Graham is an industry-leading solutions provider for sustainable packaging.
Two things that make Graham stand out among the rest is our Creative Services team and our commitment to sustainability. These forces come together when Graham is designing a new bottle.
In our drive for excellence, we’ve made sustainability a top priority and we view everything we do through that lens. When developing a new product, it not only needs to be a world-class, profitable solution, it must also contribute to our vision of a circular economy.
In order to design for sustainability, there is an extensive and thorough list of items the design services team reviews. For example, we can use our new sustainability tools, including a carbon footprint calculator and packaging life cycle analysis, to optimize the bottle. Our designers also look at a long list of items including potential recycling issues, bottle lightweighting options, pallet layouts, top load simulations, co-location possibilities, PCR content, production line evaluations and more. In the end, our team at Graham manages to combine manufacturing with art, science, engineering and sustainability, along with ingenuity, to successfully separate Graham from the rest.